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What’s in Your Air?

With thousands of synthetic chemicals on the market, even conscious consumers are likely to bring some level of toxicity into their homes. It’s little wonder that indoor air quality continues to be a concern, but there are steps you can take to improve the air in your home.

Place green plants throughout various rooms.

The soil and the plants can absorb toxins and clean your indoor air. If you have inside pets, make sure you purchase plants that will not harm them, or put plants safely out of your pet’s reach.

Trade toxic cleaners for greener choices.

Did you know that baking soda, vinegar and essential oils can clean many messes in your home? Make a disinfecting, wonderful smelling mop water by using liquid Castile Soap mixed with a few drops of peppermint essential oil.

Vacuum with a HEPA filter often.

Using a HEPA filtered vacuum can help lower the levels of allergens and some fire retardants, phthalates, and pesticides.

Leave your shoes at the door.

Taking shoes off when you come into your home reduces the tracking in of lead, pesticides and other unwanted substances. Create a shoe station near all entrances of your home. 

Get rid of non-stick cookware and baking pans.

These items may contain perfluorinated chemicals (PFC’s), which can cause cancer and developmental problems. 

Ditch the commercial air freshener.

Instead opt for a pure essential oil mixed with water. Spray around the house for a fresh scent without the extra chemical load.

Be mindful of what you put on your skin.

Commercial lotions and soaps may be saturated with chemicals. Their residue can end up on furniture and food prep surfaces, in addition to the chemicals absorbing into your skin. Choose to DIY or purchase only clean and simple lotions and soaps.

Clean the air with an air purifier.

Reduce allergens and clean the air with a HEPA air purifier. Take care to purchase an air purifier that can handle the room size in which you want to use it. Be mindful of changing filters on schedule to keep your device working at an optimal level.

Paint clean.

Did you know there are non-VOC paints for the interior of your home? VOCs, or Volatile Organic Compounds, are emitted as gases from various solids or liquids. VOCs can introduce dangerous chemicals into your home, which may have short- and long-term negative health effects. Check out Color House Paint for great color options with zero VOCs.

Do the laundry.

Launder curtains, bedding and washable rugs regularly. Dust, chemicals and allergens can build up in these items. Wash them on the hottest setting the items will allow and dry them thoroughly. Laundering these items weekly should help cut down on allergies, dust and chemical build up in your home.

Make your home a safe space…

We spend considerable time indoors. Make your home a retreat from toxins by following these steps.

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